Monday, April 23, 2012


Hellooo there.

Post your 2d, 3d, photography, design, tutorials, industry info, or anything else you find inspiring or helpful.

Right now the blog is public, but let me know if you think it would be better to switch it to private. Also, if you want the blog name changed or if you want to be an admin let me know.

If anyone is interested, there's a challenge going on over on It's a 3d chibi character challenge. The soft deadline is on May 7th. More info can be found at

Aaaand to start things off, here's a sketch I did in Photoshop over the weekend. Feel free to post past works to get things started!


  1. Really nice how the eyes aren't blocked out and you can see the blue background through it. Looks well proportioned in the face, can't wait to see more! :)

  2. Thanks! When are you going to post some of your art? I saw your personal blog, very awesome stuff. I love the weed transformation guy!

  3. lol thanks, i will, i just haven't had time.

    Hey, that 3d Chibi Event would be cool if some of the people that draw 2D paired with the 3D people and designed them characters to model. Don't ya think? :D
