Saturday, April 28, 2012

Chibi Designs

So I decided to make some designs for the chibi contest that Lauren posted about and see if anyone wanted to use them to make 3D models.  Lauren has said she'd be interested in doing that so here they are. Feel free to edit them in whatever way you need to, to make it work for the 3D model.  If you want to use one of my designs to enter the contest, post a comment below saying which character you're going to be using so no one else enters with the same one. Awkward! Oh, and a credit for the char design when you submit, please and thanks. ^_~
Can you tell that I like the spy the least? lol

I plan to make a full set of male characters but this is all I've had time for so far.

It ends on May 7th so you'd have about a week to make a low poly model, I think it said 1500 tris!
Email me if you want a larger image of the girls.



  1. Love them! Would you want to texture one of them if I model two of your designs? If so, which one would you want?

  2. probably the war lord or the cleric, either would be fine. although the cleric is probably easier to make. haha
