Monday, April 30, 2012

Old and Abandon Project

This is an old project I had started about a year ago that I never finish. Shots taken within UDK

Sunday, April 29, 2012


juss dik'n around in UDK makin shapez and shizz, Tring to learn a new technique
Just something I did over about 2 hours.

Saturday, April 28, 2012

Chibi Designs

So I decided to make some designs for the chibi contest that Lauren posted about and see if anyone wanted to use them to make 3D models.  Lauren has said she'd be interested in doing that so here they are. Feel free to edit them in whatever way you need to, to make it work for the 3D model.  If you want to use one of my designs to enter the contest, post a comment below saying which character you're going to be using so no one else enters with the same one. Awkward! Oh, and a credit for the char design when you submit, please and thanks. ^_~
Can you tell that I like the spy the least? lol

I plan to make a full set of male characters but this is all I've had time for so far.

It ends on May 7th so you'd have about a week to make a low poly model, I think it said 1500 tris!
Email me if you want a larger image of the girls.


Thursday, April 26, 2012


Anyone want to start a contest to get this blog started with new recent content? I got some rules from a different contest to start it off (Polycount Brawl Competition rules). I know this is a 3D competition and not everyone on here is a 3D artist but we'll make this a 2D and 3D contest. I also understand that not everyone know how to use a game engine for real time rendering. You can use Maya/3ds max or whatever software you want for lighting as long as its built in that software. Basically V-ray is unacceptable since that is an external plugin, but Mental ray is allowed since it comes with Max and Maya out the box.

YOU CAN NOT USE EXISTING PROJECTS! To start off the contest you must post your mood-board or concept of said character or environment. (This will mark you as a contestant in the competition)

Two (2) Beauty shots are allowed for final submission. Final submission must include original Mood Board, Concepts, and Texture sheets. I have no clue who will judge this contest but we can have those that aren't entering be the judges.

Until we get an agreement from everyone who wants to do this we then can set a start date and end date. This would be a great way to use your imagination or be creative or just to try new things. We can help critique each other along the way. This is not just a contest but something to keep your creative mind going.

Teams are allowed. Up to TWO artists maximum.

Character Technical & Guideline Specs (3D)

  • ~15,000 triangles for everything combined. If you go over by a couple hundred triangles thats acceptable. While you do not need to reach 15,000 triangles for your Character please remember this is not a low-poly contest.
    • Your character, their effects, weapons/items, and so on. Your entire character pack must weigh in around 15,000 triangles.
    • You may use double sided geometry, just remember they’re considered towards your final triangle count.
  • 2048×2048 resolution for your textures, combined, maximum.
    • Each texture pass gets this resolution. So your diffuse map(s), combined (if applicable), cannot exceed 2048×2048 resolution.
    • Diffuse, Specular/Specular Colour, Reflection, Gloss, Normal, Bump, Opacity, Emissive/Glow
    • Each of these passes are optional.
  • All real-time or render solutions are allowed. However, the more your submission can look ‘real-time’ ready, the better. That is, the more it is presented in a real-time solution the better.
    • Keep in mind the SUBMISSION requirements below. Some solution may make your submission more difficult to achieve.
    • Unreal Tech (UDK, UT3), idTech, Crysis engine, Max, Maya, XSI, and so on.
  • Lighting your character for your beauty shots (see ‘Submitting your Entry’ below for more information): Light your character however you’d like. Enhanced or Standard solutions. In-game or baked.
  • Lighting your character for your ‘comp shots’ (see ‘Submitting your Entry’ below for more information): No ‘enhanced’ lighting solutions. This means software like Brazil or Mental Ray cannot be used. STANDARD LIGHTING & SHADOWS ONLY.
  • Post-processes must be achieved within your desired method or rendering. What this means: NO PHOTOSHOP for post-process solutions.
  • Your character will need to be posed. T-poses are boring!

Environment Technical & Guideline Specs (3D)

  • ~250,000 triangles. Over or a couple thousand triangles is acceptable. 250,000 is the guideline we’re offering but you do not need to use all 250,000 triangles if your scene does not require it.
  • 4096×4096 of total texture space for each material pass.
    • For instance, that could mean 16 1024×1024 maps. Or 64 512×512 maps. Or a combination of many different resolutions just so long that when they are combined they do not exceed 4096×4096 pixels.
  • Lighting/rendering must be done to as close as a real-time solution as possible.
    • Unreal, idTech, Crysis, Source and so on are acceptable. Max, Maya, XSI are also acceptable so long as you are using Standard lighting solutions.
  • Lightmaps may be used but are optional.
    • They do not count towards your texture budget.
  • Skyboxes and or painting for your background are allowed and do not count towards your limitations.
  • Post-processing is allowed so long as it is done in your presentation package (UDK, Max, etc.) and NOT in Photoshop.
    • hue/saturation
    • brightness/contrast
    • DoF, blur, motion blur
    • screen effects (vignette, etc) are acceptable but MUST be done within your package
  • DX 11 features for existing engines are allowed.
  • Consider this: If it can be done in todays videogame engines, you can do it yourself.

Concept Technical & Guideline Specs (2D)

I am not a concept artist and could not find a competition, so I came up with some basic spec for this
  • Character or Environment must be fully finish and ready for production
  • For Characters:
    • Must do a main character with a hero prop.
  • For Environments:
    • Environment must tell a story
  • Concept can be of any style. eg: Realism vs Stylize. Can be of a Scifi world or Fantasy

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

"Pigs is Pigs"

"Pigs is Pigs"
Tattoo on a fetal pig.. Enjoy kiddies

my very first post...i'm a big boy now

A wip of a project that I am working on at home, first test render...a lot of work to do yet

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Painting minis

Something that I used to do a lot when I was (much) younger and am only now slowly getting back into is painting, not painting as in painting on canvas but painting of objects like miniatures and models. Here's a small sample of some of the minis that I've painted in the past and the few that I still have. These are all hand painted using small brushes and acrylic paints, unfortunately they don't really photograph all that well and look much better in person.



I've recently started working on custom painting my own vinyl figures but I don't have any pictures of them yet and actually only have one figure that I've finished painting. I'll have to take pics of the one and the works in progress and post them.

Monday, April 23, 2012

Photography and Render

Here is my contribution for the week. I enjoy photography on the side and what I am currently modeling on the side during my free-time.

Taken with Nikon D40 18-55mm lens. Post Process in Photoshop

3DS Max and Vray render (W.I.P)


Yup, yet another post from me. This one is something that I did years ago, it's gouache and colored pencil on illustration board with a little touch up in Photoshop.


Photoshop comp and enhancement

Some of you may have seen the wallpaper I have on my second monitor here at work but nobody has seen the original pic that I used to create it from. Here's a before and after of the two pics to show the difference between the two.



Not only did I add a background to the image I also enhanced the model by playing around with the levels, color, and contrast as well as adding artificial lighting that didn't exist on the physical model. To this day this is probably one of the pieces that I've done that I'm most proud of.

T-shirt design

Here's a t-shirt design that I did for the costuming group that I'm a part of. Sadly, it wasn't that well received overall because of the mash up nature of the design but it's an effective design because our group is not devoted to just one show/movie or even genre.

SFH DragonCon 2009 Viper Gate shirt back


Hellooo there.

Post your 2d, 3d, photography, design, tutorials, industry info, or anything else you find inspiring or helpful.

Right now the blog is public, but let me know if you think it would be better to switch it to private. Also, if you want the blog name changed or if you want to be an admin let me know.

If anyone is interested, there's a challenge going on over on It's a 3d chibi character challenge. The soft deadline is on May 7th. More info can be found at

Aaaand to start things off, here's a sketch I did in Photoshop over the weekend. Feel free to post past works to get things started!