Saturday, June 2, 2012

Vehicle Contest Entry: Fantasy Air Ship

Friday night, filled with the possibility of getting down, and what do I do? Try not to disturb the cat while it hugs my arm and falls asleep. Then I fall asleep. At 9. I wake up hours later to an ominous text from an unknown number saying that someone I love needs me. So I sling my Jack Bauer man purse over my shoulder and head to CTU.

SooOOo, you probably should have skipped that first paragraph. I'm having a hard time deciding which vehicle to do for the contest. I figured I'd just do some fantasy ship, so I stole a few images from the internet. I think I'll do the first one and just make up stuff in the back. If anyone else wants to do a concept vehicle, there's a lot of great artwork at Mayyybee I'll make some blueprints. At least the side view.

Are people still interested? HMMM? Where's the Batman/Back To the Future/Ghostbuster car? I'll make updates to the contest rules and try and figure out a way to make the contest entries on a separate page from the main blog.

1 comment:

  1. the last vehicle looks like something we did for this project. check out the carriage.
